Step-by-step Guide: How to convert PSP video files to AMV?

How to convert PSP video files to AMV using PSP to AMV Converter

  • Step 1: Free download PSP to AMV Converter, double click the .exe and install.
  • Step 2:Launch this perfect PSP to AMV Converter after successfully installed. Double click this PSP to AMV Converter, then you will see the following screen.
  • Step 3:Click the button "Add File" on the top left of the interface to add your PSP video files, then you can load your favorite PSP video files to convert to AMV format, you will see the following screen:
  • Step 4:Settings: Click “Settings" to open the settings window.
  • Step 5:The "Profile" provides you with optimized output file profile templates for you, here you can choose the output format as AMV file format, and under the "Destination", you can click "Browse" button to choose the destination folder you want the AMV video output files stored.
  • Step 6:Click button to start PSP to AMV conversion.
  • After successful completed the converting from PSP to AMV , the result will be stored on the destination folder you previously selected.